Noon Day Project Site

   The students of the inclusion class 609 embarked on their first internet based project on March 24,2001.  The task set before us was to measure the circumference of the earth.  Before we began the students had to learn the following mathematical concepts; the measuring of angles, the use of the protractor, geometric shapes and the formulas for finding the radius, diameter and circumference of a circle.  Our class is divided into three math groups.  We work within the groups for supplemental lessons.  Group 1 was selected to participate in this experiment.  The object of the experimet was to capture the shadow of the sun at the highest point in the day which was between 11:45a.m. to 12:15p.m.  The task was to measure the angle of the shadow of the sun and multiply that figure by the formula for the circumference of a circle.

STEP 1:  We gathered the supplies; 1 large protractor, 20 sheets of large white paper, 3 metered sticks and lots of lined paper and pencils for mathematical computations.

STEP 2: We went outside to the front of the school and laid the large sheets of white paper on the ground.  It was very windy fortunately students from groups 3 and 2 were able to anchor the paper while group 1 students took measurements.  The students took one of the metered sticks and held it perpendicular to cast the shadow of the sunlight onto the paper.

STEP 3: The students laid the metered sticks on each side of the shadow.  Then we used the protractor to find and measure the central angle.

STEP 4:  The students used the formula C=pi x 2r  (pi=3.14).  They used the figure derived from the central angle and replaced the radius in  the formula with it.  A solution was found.  Six students made these computations.  Four students arrived at the same answer.  I checked the calculations and the four students had the right computations.  We reviewed the computations of the other two students and pointed out the errors in their computations so that they could complete the activity.

     This project took place on a Saturday afternoon and the students were willing to come to school to participate in an interesting and informative activity.  We had a trial run of the experiment the day before on March 23, 2001.  The whole class participated in the experiment. Due to the windy weather groups 3 and 2 helped anchor the paper to the ground with their bodies as group 1 made measurements and computations.  Due to the cloudy weather on March 24, 2001 we were forced to use the figures from Friday March 23, 2001.
     My class enjoyed the activity and the students that came to school on a Saturday to complete a project were commended.  We sat down and discussed our findings over pizza and sodas in the classroom in an informal setting.  This activity allowed my students to put their mathematical skills to work in a practical and hands on setting.  I enjoyed watching them debate about their computations and compare data.  This was a true learning experience.  Unfortunately we did not arrive at 25,000 miles which is the circumference of the earth but, we came close, our computations gave us 23,260 miles.  The students were pleased that they came so close to the actual figure.  This activity posed a challenge and I was pleased to see my students rise to the occasion.  Fortunately they were not disappointed with their findings they learned a practical lesson, things do not always turn out as planned.  We have vowed to continue this project independently to see if we can arrive at the actual circumference of the earth.

     Student Reactions

Felicity : I liked this activity.  It was fun going outside to do a project instead of opening my math book.  I liked being interviewed by a
              reporter on the school newspaper called "The Panda".  Joel, Hector and I gave the interview and talked about the project.

Joel      : I was not part of group 1 but I participated and I think I would like to do a project like this. Math is not my favorite subject but
              this kind of math was fun.

Hector  : I learned how to use a protractor and measure angles.  At first I thought this would be boring and it wasn't.  We were talking
              about our measurements and laughing.  Next year I hope my teacher will give us more of these internet projects.

Enrique : Math is my favorite subject and I liked being part of group 1 because we did the measurements.  This was fun and many
              students wondered what we were doing in the front of the school.  When we told them they looked surprised and someone
              from the school newspaper took our picture.  I can't wait to start the next project!