The Inclusion class uses many hands on projects to
stimulate the learning process. We use a multicultural approach to
allow students the opportunity to learn more about the world they live
in as well as each other. We endorse internet based projects which
give the students a first hand experience in the subject matter that the
project is based on. This spring class 609 will embark on three internet
projects. The first project was completed on March 24,2001.
The students had the task of finding the Earth's circumference. The
class was motivated by the activity which involved mathematics as well
as science. Our next project entitled "The Sun Times" will require the
students to record the hours of sunlight per day over a two week period
and compare their findings with students all over the world, that's cool!
After the success of the first project my students are motivated and looking
forward to the next project. Our final project for the spring will
be "Are you what you eat? Students will record what they eat for
a two week period. They will write in a journal daily the contents
of their meals. Once the data is collected we will use the information
to complete charts on caloric intake and compare their diets with the chart
on daily food supplements from each of the food groups. This activity
may help children to eat wisely! This project involves the use of mathematics
and nutrition.
These projects are interesting and give students
an opportunity to use the skills that they have acquired. My students are
enthusiastic about the learning process because of the variety of ways
that the information is made available to them.
Our goal will be to motivate children to want
to learn and become life long learners.